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Pride Pack:

Instruction Notecard


    Eldritch Cat Status Rings: Pride Pack
    Version 1.0


[  THANK  YOU  ]
    Thank you for your purchase! I hope you enjoy it!

    I have a bunch of spinners like these from like ten years ago. I just think they’re neat!


    This kit contains the following items:

    - Status Ring
        - Fits for “Normal” and “Smaller” avatars
        - Avatar Center and Pelvis attach points
            - Avatar Center stays horizontal, but will not follow your avatar’s movements
            - Pelvis follows your avatar’s movements, but will not stay perfectly horizontal

    - Texture Change HUD with Script Cleanup

    - Loose textures

    NOTE: The rings and HUD will probably say No Modify in inventory. This is a visual bug; they are modify.


    This modkit requires the following parts:

    - YOU :)


    !! Always make backups of your parts before applying a mod !!

        - Right click - Wear (or Add) one of the Status Rings and the Texture Change HUD.

        - Click on a button on the HUD to change the texture of your ring.

        - When you’re happy with your texture choice, click the Remove Scripts button and follow the dialog to remove the scripts.
            - This isn’t 100% required, but it’s good to clean up customization scripts you do not use often!

        - Detach the HUD when you’re done.

        BONUS: The outer and inner parts of the ring are different faces. You can drag and drop the loose textures to change them independently!


    - For issues with THIS KIT’S CONTENTS
        - Contact BLAU RASCON

    - For all other issues
        - Contact the CREATOR OF THAT PART, not me


UV Map

UV map for Eldritch Cat Status Rings