Links and Buttons
My Links
You can find me on these sites:
- Mastodon, where I make small posts more frequently
- Second Life and VRChat, for virtual world stuff
- Github, for code stuff (eventually, all my repos are private right now lol)
- Youtube, where I post game clips and compilations every so often
- Storygraph and, if you want to see what I’m reading / listening to
- Ko-fi, if you like what I do and/or want to get yourself a bead lizard keychain
There’s also my Furrcard and Carrd, I try to keep those both up to date as alternate links, just in case.
Cool Sites, go look at them!
My Buttons
If you want to link back here, here’s a super quick button I put together, in PNG and GIF formats, and some sample code to put it on your own site:

<a href="">
width="88" height="31"
alt="An 88x31 button of the words 'Blau's Blog' on an agender pride flag background"
style="image-rendering: pixelated">